Raise or render 404 ?

We met a problem about when to raise RecordNotFound and let Rails handle rest things and when to render 404 explicitly. My colleague said:

I think in the case where there is only one condition “find this thing”, it’s fine to do that. But if the authorisation depends on more, for example: “the API client needs scope X to see this”, then having the two conditions close to each-other is clearer. So in this example:

service = user.outside_services.find params[:id] # <= could also raise RecordNotFound, and result in 404, but not very visible from the code
if client_has_scope_for service
  render json: service
  head status: :unauthorized


service = user.outside_services.find_by_id params[:id]
if !service
  head :not_found
elsif !client_has_scope_for service
  head status: :unauthorized
  render json: service

My understanding is If we have to use 'if' anyway, then use it for all conditions. All logic is visible and easier to understand.
